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NeXT TypedStream Data  |  2005-11-10  |  41KB  |  694 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. NSIBObjectData
  3. NSObject
  4. NSCustomObject)
  5. NSMutableString
  6. NSString
  7. NSApplication
  8. RatioController
  9. NSMenuItem
  10. NSMenu
  11. OtherViews
  12. NSMutableArray
  13. NSArray
  14. i@@IIi@@@@:i@
  15. NSCustomResource)
  16. NSImage
  17. NSMenuCheckmark
  18. NSMenuMixedState
  19. _popUpItemAction:
  20. NSPopUpButtonCell
  21. NSMenuItemCell
  22. NSButtonCell?
  23. NSActionCell
  24. NSCellA
  25. NSFont
  26. [36c]
  27. NSPopUpButton
  28. NSButton
  29.     NSControl)
  30. NSView)
  31. NSResponder
  32. NSBox*
  33. NSSplitView
  34. @@@@ffffffff
  35. NSTextField
  36. NSTextFieldCell>
  37. untitled
  38. NSColor
  39. System
  40. textBackgroundColor
  41.     textColor
  42.     ssii@@@@@
  43. OtherViews
  44. Quality:
  45. controlColor
  46. controlTextColor
  47. OtherViews
  48. Fit to Window
  49. Actual Size
  50. NSProgressIndicator
  51. NSPSMatrix
  52. [12f]
  53. ccddc
  54. NSImageView
  55. NSMutableSet
  56. NSSet
  57. Apple PDF pasteboard type
  58. 1NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type
  59. NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type
  60. NSFilenamesPboardType
  61. Apple PICT pasteboard type
  62. Apple PNG pasteboard type
  63. NSImageCell)
  64. scale_bigger
  65. NSFilenamesPboardType
  66. scale_smaller
  67. NSClassSwapper*
  68. ScaleSlider
  69. NSSlider
  70. NSSliderCell
  71. [28c]
  72. ddddiii
  73. NSScrollView
  74. NSClipView:
  75. OutputImageView
  76. NSFilenamesPboardType
  77. @@ccc
  78. NSScroller
  79. _doScroller:
  80. ffffi
  81.     YMStepper
  82.     NSStepper
  83. NSStepperCell
  84.     ddddiiiii
  85. Limit to
  86. NSButtonImageSource
  87. NSSwitch
  88. ff@@ccc
  89. Drag this off
  90. Drop picture here
  91. InputImageView
  92. NSFilenamesPboardType
  93. NSDecimalNumberPlaceholder
  94. NSNumberFormatter
  95. NSFormatter
  96. @@@@@@@
  97. NSAttributedString
  98. NSDictionary
  99. @@@@@ccc
  100. Constraint:
  101.     Rotation:
  102. RotateSlider
  103. rotate_cw45
  104. rotate_cw45_pushed
  105. rotate_ccw45
  106. rotate_ccw45_pushed
  107. rotate_ccw
  108. rotate_ccw_pushed
  109.     rotate_cw
  110. rotate_cw_pushed
  111. 4x6 (portrait)
  112. 5x7 (portrait)
  113. Custom Ratio
  114. 320x240
  115. 640x480
  116. 800x600
  117. Custom Size
  118. NSWindowTemplate
  119. iiffffi@@@@@c
  120. Panel
  121. NSPanel
  122. Accept
  123. Cancel
  124. NSTableViewSingleEdit
  125. NSTableView=
  126. @@@ff@@f::i
  127. NSTableHeaderView
  128. controlBackgroundColor
  129. _NSCornerView
  130. NSTableColumn)
  131. @fff@@cc
  132. ConstraintName
  133. NSTableHeaderCell
  134. Description
  135. headerTextColor
  136. ConstraintWidth
  137. Width
  138. ConstraintHeight
  139. Height
  140. headerColor
  141.     gridColor
  142. [40c]
  143. PlusButton
  144. MinusButton
  145. Ratio Constraint Preset
  146. [44c]
  147. ConstraintName
  148. Description
  149. ConstraintWidth
  150. Width
  151. ConstraintHeight
  152. Height
  153. Size Constraint Presets
  154. Revert
  155. Manage your Ratio and Size constraint settings in this panel.
  156. Use the + and - buttons to Add and Remove a setting.
  157. Double-click on a field to edit.  Drag and drop to rearrange.
  158. ConstraintPresetPanel
  159. Tools
  160. Get Info
  161. Desaturate
  162. Rotate Left
  163. Rotate Right
  164. Rotate Left 1 Degree
  165. Flip Horizontal
  166. Flip Vertical
  167. Rotate Right 1 Degree
  168. Open...
  169. Open Recent
  170. submenuAction:
  171. Open Recent
  172. Clear Menu
  173. _NSRecentDocumentsMenu
  174. Close Window
  175. Close Image
  176. Save As...
  177. Send To
  178. Revert
  179. Page Setup...
  180. Print...
  181.     Selection
  182. Window
  183. Screen
  184. Timed Screen
  185. MainMenu
  186. EasyCrop
  187. About EasyCrop
  188. Check for Updates
  189. Registration...
  190. Preferences...
  191. Services
  192. Services
  193. _NSServicesMenu
  194. Hide EasyCrop
  195. Hide Others
  196. Show All
  197. Quit EasyCrop
  198. _NSAppleMenu
  199. Paste
  200. Delete
  201. Select All
  202. Deselect
  203. Options
  204. Thumbnail Icon
  205. Anti-aliasing
  206. Preserve EXIF
  207. Scaling Quality
  208. High (slowest)
  209. Medium
  210. Low (faster)
  211. Window
  212. Window
  213. Minimize
  214. Show Toolbar
  215. Customize Toolbar...
  216. Bring All to Front
  217. _NSWindowsMenu
  218. EasyCrop Help
  219. EasyCrop Help (web)
  220. What is EXIF?
  221. FAQs and Tips
  222. _NSMainMenu
  223. Apple PDF pasteboard type
  224. 1NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type
  225. NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type
  226. NSFilenamesPboardType
  227. Apple PICT pasteboard type
  228. logo128
  229. EasyCrop
  230. [32c]
  231. Don't Show This Again
  232. zThis demo copy of EasyCrop places a watermark over the output images.  Otherwise, it behaves exactly like a licensed copy.
  233. TargetView
  234. NSCustomView)
  235. TargetView
  236. NSFilenamesPboardType
  237. NSFilenamesPboardType
  238. TargetView
  239. NSFilenamesPboardType
  240. TargetView
  241. NSFilenamesPboardType
  242. TargetView
  243. NSFilenamesPboardType
  244. HelpIcon
  245. NSMatrix>
  246. #iiii:::ffffi@@@@@
  247. Radio
  248. NSRadioButton
  249. Radio
  250. Radio
  251. NSImage.
  252. NSBitmapImageRep
  253. NSImageRep
  254. [1470c]MM
  255. NSView
  256. NSResponder
  257. NSFilenamesPboardType
  258. BEasyFrame lets you easily turn your square photos into beautiful bordered images like those shown above.
  259. EasyFrame is tightly integrated with EasyCrop.  If you have EasyFrame on your Mac, the button you just clicked would send your cropped image to EasyFrame for the finishing touch.
  260. Download your free trial copy today.
  261. Apple PDF pasteboard type
  262. 1NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type
  263. NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type
  264. NSFilenamesPboardType
  265. Apple PICT pasteboard type
  266. samples
  267. EasyFrame Not Yet Installed
  268. [48c]
  269. Tell Me More
  270. Cancel
  271. Download EasyFrame
  272. Flash Used:
  273. Exposure Bias:
  274. Focal Length :
  275. Exposure Time:
  276.     Aperture:
  277.     Distance:
  278. 35mm equiv.:
  279. Exposure
  280. File Name:
  281. File Size:
  282. File Date:
  283. Maker:
  284. Model:
  285. Camera
  286. Comment
  287. Image
  288. Width:
  289. Height:
  290. Creation Date:
  291. FileChute makes sending files extremely easy.  It is especially useful for sending files that are too large to send by emails.
  292. EasyCrop and FileChute are integrated so if you had FileChute installed, the action you just invoked would send your cropped image.
  293. FileChute Not Yet Installed
  294. Download FileChute
  295. Cancel
  296. Tell Me More
  297. Get EasyFrame
  298. NSPanel
  299. Get FileChute
  300. NSPanel
  301. Start Timer
  302. Capture the screen in
  303. seconds.
  304. Cancel
  305. NSFilenamesPboardType
  306. Capture Selection
  307. Capture Window
  308. Capture Timed Screen
  309. Capture Screen
  310. Timed Screen Capture
  311. NSPanel
  312. Item1
  313. Item2
  314. Expired
  315. NSPanel
  316. SplitViewDelegate
  317. TargetController
  318. EasyCrop
  319. NSWindow
  320. NSFontManager
  321. AppController
  322. InfoController
  323. CountdownWindow
  324. CountdownWindow
  325. NSDrawer
  326. Photo Info
  327. NSPanel
  328.     PhotoInfo
  329. NSTextField23
  330. NSMenuItem11
  331. NSTextField1
  332. NSTextField2211
  333. NSTableColumn
  334. NSBox
  335. GetEasyFrame
  336. NSTextField21112
  337. MainMenu
  338. DockMenu
  339. NSTextField21111
  340. NSScrollView11
  341. NSTextField
  342. NSTextField232
  343. NSTextField211
  344. NSTextField2
  345. NSMenuItem12
  346. NSPopUpButton
  347. RatioPresets
  348. NSMenuItem101
  349. NSTextField21
  350. NSTextField23111
  351. NSButton311
  352. NSPopUpButton1
  353. NSTextField2
  354.     NSButton1
  355. NSCustomView1
  356. NSTextField221
  357. NSTextField231111
  358. NSTextField22
  359. NSMenuItem
  360.     NSButton3
  361. NSMenuItem11
  362. NSTextField2332
  363.     NSButton2
  364. NSDrawer
  365. NSTextField21111
  366.     PopUpList
  367. NSTextField23111
  368. NSButton111
  369.     NSButton3
  370.     TimePanel
  371. NSView
  372.     NSButton2
  373.     NSButton1
  374. NSButton
  375. NSTextField222
  376.     NSButton1
  377. NSMenuItem1
  378.     NSButton4
  379. NSMenuItem1
  380. NSTextField21
  381. NSTextField11
  382. NSPopUpButton
  383. NSMenuItem21
  384. NSTextField23
  385. NSTextField1
  386. InfoWindow
  387. NSTextField12
  388. NSTextField2211
  389.     NSSlider1
  390. NSTextField111
  391. NSBox
  392. NSTextField2111
  393. NSMenuItem9
  394. NSMenuItem1
  395. NSTableColumn
  396. NSTextField234
  397. File's Owner
  398. NSButton
  399. NSTextField
  400. NSTextField2321
  401. NSTextField21
  402. NSTextField21
  403. NSMenuItem2
  404. NSTextField2
  405. NSButton
  406. NSTextField
  407. NSTableColumn1
  408. NSTextField231
  409. NSTextField2313
  410. NSMenu
  411.     NSButton1
  412. NSTextField2
  413. NSMenuItem3
  414. NSTextField2311
  415. NSMenuItem221
  416.     CountDown
  417. NSMenuItem21
  418. NSTextField2221
  419. NSButton32
  420. NSTextField2
  421. NSTextField2121
  422. NSTableView
  423. NSTextField2121
  424. NSMenuItem222
  425. NSTextField2
  426. NSTextField22
  427.     NSButton2
  428.     PopUpList
  429.     PopUpList
  430. NSMenuItem1
  431. NSTextField2122
  432. NSView
  433. NSButton31
  434. NSMenuItem1
  435. NSTextField2
  436. NSMenuItem
  437. GetFileChute
  438. NSTextField211
  439. Font Manager
  440. NSTextField2
  441. NSButton11
  442. NSTextField2322
  443. Expired
  444.     NSButton1
  445. NSMenuItem
  446.     NSMatrix1
  447. NSMenuItem
  448. NSMenuItem211
  449. NSTextField2312
  450. NSTableColumn1
  451. NSMenuItem4
  452. NSCustomView
  453. NSTextField21
  454. DrawContentView
  455. NSTextField2322
  456. NSTextField3
  457. NSTextField233
  458.     NSSlider1
  459. NSTextField4
  460. NSButton12
  461. NSButton
  462. NSMenuItem3
  463. NSTextField23211
  464.     NSButton1
  465. NSMenuItem12
  466. NSTableView
  467. NSTextField212
  468. MainWindow
  469. NSButton
  470. NSMenuItem
  471. NSTextField22
  472. NSTextField21211
  473. NSTextField11
  474. NSCustomView
  475. NSScrollView1
  476. NSTextField2
  477.     OutViewCM
  478. NSMenuItem10
  479. NSNibControlConnector
  480. NSNibConnector
  481. performMiniaturize:
  482. arrangeInFront:
  483.     showHelp:
  484. clearRecentDocuments:
  485. terminate:
  486. hideOtherApplications:
  487. hide:
  488. unhideAllApplications:
  489. paste:
  490. copy:
  491. delete:
  492. NSIBHelpConnector
  493. NSToolTipHelpKey
  494. Image size
  495. changeFileType:
  496. NSNibOutletConnector
  497. delegate
  498. filenameTextField
  499. fileFormatPopUpButton
  500. sizeTextField
  501. filesizeTextField
  502. showAboutWindow:
  503. delegate
  504. delegate
  505. selectAll:
  506. showPreferencePanel:
  507. setPreviewMode:
  508. progressIndicator
  509. showRegistrationPanel:
  510. scaleImage:
  511. scaleSlider
  512. NSToolTipHelpKey
  513. Change the image size.
  514. Set name of the output file.
  515. Select the output file type.
  516. Estimated output file size.
  517. open:
  518.     deselect:
  519. NSToolTipHelpKey
  520. &Set the crop rectangle's aspect ratio.
  521. rotateImage:
  522. rotationSlider
  523.     visitFaq:
  524. setOutputWidth:
  525. setOutputHeight:
  526. widthTextField
  527. heightTextField
  528. delegate
  529. rotateImageCCW:
  530. rotateImageCW:
  531. NSToolTipHelpKey
  532. Rotate clockwise.
  533. Rotate counter-clockwise.
  534. qualityTextField
  535. appController
  536. rotateImageCWFine:
  537. rotateImageCCWFine:
  538. NSToolTipHelpKey
  539. Rotate clockwise by 1 degree.
  540. %Rotate counter-clockwise by 1 degree.
  541. outputScrollView
  542. nextKeyView
  543. checkForUpdates:
  544. timedCapturePanel
  545. captureScreenTimedCancel:
  546. captureScreenTimedStart:
  547. takeIntValueFrom:
  548. timedCaptureStepper
  549. _thumbnailMI
  550. _antialiasMI
  551. toggleThumbnailIcon:
  552. toggleAntialias:
  553. setImageInterpolation:
  554. setImageInterpolation:
  555. setImageInterpolation:
  556. _interpolationMenu
  557. NSToolTipHelpKey
  558. PSlide to rotate. Use the Shift key to constrain rotation to 45 degrees interval.
  559. !Drop original image here to open.
  560. KSet the preview window mode (this does not affect the actual output image).
  561. &Output image is this many pixels wide.
  562. &Output image is this many pixels tall.
  563. Jpeg image quality.
  564. appController
  565. widthTextField
  566. heightTextField
  567. takeIntValueFrom:
  568. setQuality:
  569. qualityStepper
  570. filesizeChk
  571. filesizeTextField
  572. filesizeStepper
  573. takeIntValueFrom:
  574. toggleFilesizeLimit:
  575. setFilesizeLimit:
  576. _dummyWindow
  577. flipHorizontal:
  578. flipVertical:
  579. clear:
  580. performClose:
  581. initialFirstResponder
  582. NSToolTipHelpKey
  583. Aspect ratio (width).
  584. Aspect ratio (height).
  585. _ratioController
  586. revert:
  587. contentView
  588.     _targetDw
  589. parentWindow
  590.     sendFile:
  591.     sendFile:
  592.     sendFile:
  593. _appController
  594.     sendFile:
  595.     sendFile:
  596.     sendFile:
  597.     showHelp:
  598. desaturate:
  599. _inputView
  600. _outputView
  601. _getEasyFramePanel
  602. endPromptSheet:
  603. endPromptSheet:
  604. endPromptSheet:
  605. print:
  606. runPageLayout:
  607. _scalePercentTF
  608. scaleImage:
  609. delegate
  610. captureSelection:
  611. captureWindow:
  612. captureScreen:
  613. captureScreenTimed:
  614. dockMenu
  615. _countdownWindow
  616. _countdownTF
  617. _drawerContentView
  618. _sendToMenu
  619. _outputViewCM
  620. _doubleClickRadio
  621. selectDoubleClickDestination:
  622. _targetController
  623. NSToolTipHelpKey
  624.  Select double-click destination.
  625. ;Drag this off to another app, or Control-Click for options.
  626. endPromptSheet:
  627. endPromptSheet:
  628. endPromptSheet:
  629. _getFileChutePanel
  630. _targetController
  631. toggleToolbar:
  632. customizeToolbar:
  633. _expiredPanel
  634. saveDocumentAs:
  635. selectPreset:
  636. _appController
  637. _ratioController
  638. _infoController
  639. window
  640. _filenameTF
  641. _filesizeTF
  642. _apertureTF
  643. _distanceTF
  644. _exposureBiasTF
  645. _exposureTimeTF
  646. _flashUsedTF
  647. _focalLengthTF
  648. _isoTF
  649. togglePreserveExif:
  650. _fileDateTF
  651. _cameraMakeTF
  652. _cameraModelTF
  653. _commentTF
  654. _creationDateTF
  655. _widthTF
  656.     _heightTF
  657. _focalLength35TF
  658. showHelpTopic:
  659.     _fileMenu
  660.     _helpMenu
  661. _previewModePopUpButton
  662. _widthTF
  663.     _heightTF
  664. _outputWidthTF
  665. _outputHeightTF
  666. _scaleSlider
  667. captureSelection:
  668. captureWindow:
  669. captureScreen:
  670. captureScreenTimed:
  671. getInfo:
  672. rotateImageCCW:
  673. rotateImageCW:
  674. rotateImageCCWFine:
  675. rotateImageCWFine:
  676. showHelpTopic:
  677. _presetsPopUp
  678. _panel
  679. _appController
  680. dataSource
  681. delegate
  682. _removeRatioBtn
  683. _removeSizeBtn
  684. addPreset:
  685. removePreset:
  686. _ratioTV
  687. _sizeTV
  688. dataSource
  689. delegate
  690. addPreset:
  691. removePreset:
  692. revertPresets:
  693. IBCocoaFramework